Physical engineering
and embedded systems
Master of Science

Energy, transport, information systems, health … The training completed in ENSICAEN prepares engineers capable of providing innovative and optimized solutions in many fields.
With fundamentals in mathematics, physics, measurements and signal processing, our students are trained in sensors and instrumentation engineering, digital processing and energy.Once they have graduated, our engineering students are capable of integrating the research and development department of large groups or innovative SME, in France or abroad.
Major to choose
from in the second year for a personalized course

Nuclear Engineering and Energy
They master energy production systems and acquire skills in radioprotection/safety and instrumentation/ nuclear measurements.

Physical engineering and sensors

Embedded systems and automation
Connected devices, vehicles, satellites, radars …
Our students are trained to innovate in the field of communication systems and industrial processes.
They master the conception of electronic systems using advanced algorithms.
Incoming students who want to study for a semester at ENSICAEN can enroll in English-taught programs offered during the second year of our Master studies in Physical Engineering and Embedded Systems
Please note that if you would like to come as an exchange student as part of a cooperation agreement between your institution and ENSICAEN, you must be nominated by your International Office.
Our curriculum
in Physical engineering and embedded systems
Teaching through projects
Pairwork projects – Second year
Electronics (30h)
Programming (30h)
Team projects – third year
Industrial or research (90H)
Immersive electronic project (14 days)
Optional Double diploma in third year
➡ International double diploma
Engineer of the University Federal of Paraná (UFPR) in Electrical Engineering (Curitiba,Brazil)
Engineer of the University of Brazilia (UnB) in Electronical Engineering or in Communication Network (Brasilia, Brazil)
Engineer of UNICAMP, in Electronical Engineering or in Physics or in automation, control and command (Campinas, Brazil)
Engineer of the Rio Grande do Norte State University , for students in Physical Engineering and Embedded Systems (Natal, Brazil)
Engineer of the Grande do Sul State University, for students in Physical Engineering and Embedded Systems (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Engineer of the Madrid Polytechnic University, for students in Physical Engineering and Embedded Systems (Madrid, Spain)
Engineer of the University of Stuttgart , for students in Physical Engineering and Embedded Systems (Stuttgart, Germany)
➡ Master
Electronics, electrical energy, automation
Nucleus, atoms, collisions
Ingénierie nucléaire
➡ Master in Management
EM Normandie Business School
19 rooms for practical work : Optics and photonics, RF Ionizing radiation measures, Nuclear instrumentation, Embedded systems and Networks
Fablab : 3D printer, Makerspace, MEB
Software : LabVIEW, Matlab-Simulink, LT Spice, MCNP, Cathare, PWR_C_1300 (CORYS)…

Languages taught at ENSICAEN
First foreign language : English
Second foreign language : French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese
Third foreign language (optional) : Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, German or Spanish.
Technician – First year (optional)
4 weeks minimum, from mid-June to the end of August
Engineering assistant – Second year
16 weeks starting in May
Engineer – Third year – Final project study
5 to 6 months starting in March
Zoom on the Immersive Electronic Project
Every year since 2013, the engineering students from the majors “ Instrumentation Physics & Sensors” and “Embedded systems and automation” do role-play in the form of technological contests. In a limited time, the goal is to find the best technical solution while keeping a project management and a customer relation beyond reproach.

Become “ensicaennais” !
The quality of how they are welcomed, the accommodation and their integration is a major preoccupation of ENSICAEN.
That is why they are taken care of by the International Club’s engineering students when they arrive and receive support from the International Relations Office which provides continuous follow-up to facilitate administrative and logistic procedures. The international students also participate in cultural and convivial events organized by the International Club or the Student Office during the year.
Engineer in research and development
Product development manager
Consulting engineer
Project manager
Technical and commercial engineer
Car industry, Aeronautics, Aerospace industry, Nuclear engineering, Energy, Security, Defence, Industry, Home automation, Robotics, Health, Medical imaging, Transport, Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies …
Partner companies
Acome – Airbus – Assystem – Ariane Group – Bertin Technologie – Chauvin Arnoux – CEA – CNES – EDF – Essilor – Framatome – Fime – GANIL Johnson&Johnson – Murata – Naval Group – NXP – Orano – Safran – Thales STMicroElectronics – Valeo – Viveris
Normandie AérosEspace
Normandie Énergies
Pôles NextMove et TES
Réseau Ampère

Embedded World
Every year, the engineering students from the majors “Instrumentation Physics & Sensors” and “Embedded systems and automation” go to the leading international fair for embedded systems.
Be it security for electronic systems, distributed intelligence, the Internet of Things or e-mobility and energy efficiency – the embedded world trade fair in Nuremberg enables you to experience the whole world of embedded systems.
Discover the innovations from the embedded sector, meet experts and acquire new customers: more than 1,100 exhibitors and numerous speakers from 52 countries will be presenting the entire spectrum – ranging from construction elements through modules and full systems, operating systems, hard and software to services – to more than 32,000 trade visitors and approximately 2,200 conference participants from 77 countries.
Contact our team
International Office
+33 (0)2 31 45 27 72